Mohawk Trilogy Reviews
Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos: Charter
Foreword Reviews – Lillian Brown – April 17, 2018 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The satisfying third and final book in S. Minsos’ historical trilogy, Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos Charter follows the nineteenth-century disruption to Indigenous lands caused by European and American settlers.
As a young Mohawk in what is now known as Ontario, Squire Tehawennihárhos Davis — along with his comrades, Scotchwoman Jennet Ferguson and Jeddah Golden, a man of mixed lineage from Appalachia — is tasked with coming into his own, both emotionally and financially, as the bankruptcy of the Grand River Navigation Company threatens his reality.
The format comes with enough of an introduction and overview of the rest of the series so that it can stand on its own. Despite being set over a century ago, the book tackles the intricacies of gender inequality and relationship issues in a relatable manner, tying the struggles of its characters to contemporary issues. Subplots of drama and romance add a coming-of-age element to the historical tale.
Rich, vivid descriptions employ all the senses; they are one of the strongest aspects of the novel. A root is described as “as thick as a slinking python”; “a makeshift but colourfully patched tent … with a yellow sock-flag waving on the pole at the tent’s peak” appears at a fair. These details enrich the story and help build a world that’s undeniably intoxicating. Another highlight comes in the minor characters, who are brought to life in a multidimensional way that makes the Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos Charter universe immersive and realistic. All characters leave a lasting impression, even those as tertiary as Miles Finlen, the tall, gruff barkeep who works tirelessly to maintain respect for his bar while throwing out bums and serving patrons. Like many characters that could be written off as ancillary, in his few scenes Miles is instead presented as an integral spoke in the wheels of the trilogy.
The complexities of the era are thoroughly researched and accurately imparted, as evidenced by the detail in both the book and its lengthy introduction. These historical trials are never intrusive in the text; they are always incorporated in a relatable way.
The novel’s lovable, intricate characters and the challenges that they face every day, from protecting their lands to safeguarding their hearts, are an irresistible draw. Minsos concludes a three-part saga with Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos Charter, a satisfying narrative that weaves all characters and story lines together.
Jane Ainslie (Educator, ret'd):
Charter ought to find a forever home with Canadians.
If prairie Canadians want to learn how the past impacts the present (why we are officially English and French, why the original settled prairies were colonies of the east, whence springs the central-Canadian hatred of Riel), this is the trilogy to read to begin your search for the answers to these and other questions. (Books 1, 2, 3. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos).
Elly Buck (Avid Reader)
Although the second book builds beautifully on the first, the books also stand alone. The style of Vinegar Hill is rich in detail, yet humorous and witty. I love the characters, who seem real to me. I find the speakers jump off of the page. Intricate details of their everyday lives make them come even more alive. I am there. Right in their world. Looking forward to the further adventures of Squire Davis. (Book 2. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos: The Battle of Vinegar Hill).
Ken Davis (Bookmark, CKUA)
Minsos is a sophisticated, mature writer with a great sense of fun and the ability to keep the plot twisting and turning in a manner that keeps the tale fresh right to the last page. (Book 1. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos).
Mel Hurtig (1932-2016)
A great yarn. Entertaining. Fun. Absorbing. With multiple cultural perspectives. (Book 1. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos).
Muriel Kuchison (Avid Reader)
Minsos’ use of terse, clean prose, subtle humour, a plethora of individual character traits and vivid, colourful descriptions of places and events contributes to the utter pleasure of reading this novel. Herein, there are many lessons to be learned by history buffs as well as insights to be savoured and pondered by all. (Book 3. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos: Charter).
Ian MacLaren PhD (Professor Emeritus, Canadian Studies, University of Alberta)
The whore on the hill doesn’t tire somehow, and I adored the tipped-over outhouse. Minsos handles violence very well, and it is not gratuitous; that is, retributive justice must have featured as prominently in British North America as it famously did in the US of A, all disclaimers about upright Upper Canada notwithstanding. Speaking of the latter, the free trade plot in human lives is rivetting, and the prospect of Filkin’s fate delicious. I also like the qualities of Squire that the tree rescue places on view. (Book 2. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos: The Battle of Vinegar Hill).
Mark Smith PhD (Professor, English, MacEwan University)
There’s historical fiction that removes the past to some safe and distant place, and there’s historical fiction that shows us how the past isn’t past at all and I’d say what [Minsos does] is the latter sort. (Book 2. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos: The Battle of Vinegar Hill).
Martha Sterne (Avid Reader)
Protagonist, Tehawennihárhos, aka Squire Davis, aka Sky Walker, navigates through the reality that First Nations are being squeezed out. (“They starve us. Or chase us away… It is chaos in our territory. Dangerous as hell.”) Meantime Sky Walker has fallen in love with a Scotswoman and considers marriage, and all that that entails for a “biracial” couple. I really enjoy Minsos’ sophisticated writing. She painstakingly distinguishes slang, accents, and dialects across all of her characters, and applies humour to the cause. (Book 2. Sky Walker Tehawennihárhos: The Battle of Vinegar Hill).

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